To gain an ISO certificate is hard work. To be awarded two at the same time is exceptional. Every company that goes through the process knows this and also that they are an important statement about its capability to deliver a consistent, high-quality product or service.  

ISO 9001 sets out the requirements of a complete Quality Management System (QMS) which means an organisation is more able to meet its ambitions for sustainability and growth. It is widely seen as the most credible, robust and effective business improvement tool on the market, with over 1,000,000 certificate holders worldwide.

ISO 14001 is an effective, credible and popular Environmental Management System (EMS) Standard, with over 300,000 certificates issued across the world. Its focus is on how a company’s activities impact on the environment – water use, energy use, pollution and waste.

For TenBroeke, at this stage of our growth, ISO certifications are a very important part of our development of a business with the proven capability to deliver what we say we can do. Equally, we are concerned about the impact we have on the environment and ensuring we deliver our services in an environmentally responsible way. TenBroeke Engineering is an important part of the TenBroeke family and we see these certifications as helping to build our credibility as a responsible firm in a competitive world. More than this, the ISOs will become an integral part of the way TenBroeke operates, helping us to be more structured, more efficient and to more effectively manage issues as they arise.

“I see these certifications as part of our focus on quality. They will help us to drive a continuous improvement system for sustained superior performance through the company and, in time, through the TenBroeke group and our suppliers and partners.”

Sherman Havens, Director, TenBroeke Engineering Ltd

 TenBroeke Company Limited is delighted to have been awarded ISO 9001 / 14001 accreditation and to have joined TenBroeke Engineering Company Limited in completing this Quality Management System and Environment Management System standard. This is a clear demonstration by the TenBroeke Group in its commitment to high standards of Processes, Quality outcomes and commitment to Continued Improvement across our broad range of services.